GeoObs / By Daniel Cruz /
“GeoObs” is a mixed media installation which observe the relations of three layers: Device, Image and Data, to build a dialogue to define the blurred zone of the privacy in the actual system of the visual representation in the global net. The installation explore the joints, cracks and displacements the contemporary context of the global net, confronting models and complex systems to build alliterations and iterations through visuals strategies like site specific action, social and geopolitical relations, as also territorial gestures to relieve the concepts of invisibility, transparency, tracking and trace. “GeoObs” is composed by a several materials and different qualities of representation in order to activate relations and ways of understood; performance actions, low tech developments and texts (quotes and poetry) to build an experience to get in the main concept. The installation use mixed media to show several layers of the complex zone between the privacy dimension and the distances of the digital communication. The main content of the installation is: 4 printed texts, 12 photographies and a light sequences builded by plastics bottles, water, electronics, programming and leds. |
The text is a quote of an online talk of Edward Snowden at 2015, translated in four languages: Spanish, English, German and Portuguese. In this text, builded by transparency and metallic paper, similar than the emergency blanket quality, appear the contradictions of the privacy statement, with a kind of poetic and resistance arguments which invites us to observe the distance between freedom and privacy as a new currency of exchange for our contemporaneity. |
The photographies compile a performance action in the border of the Atlantic Ocean in the city of Salvador of Bahía, Brazil and the Arica city in the north of Chile next to the Pacific Ocean. This performance start with a walk along the coast, talking and commented to the swimmers the nature of the technological follow-up of our bodies through drones and the important role of the sea, where the digital communications travel submerged furrowing the coasts by the submarine cable. The talk end with an invitation to be part of a performance, to hide through a emergency blanket (a domestic way of hide according to drones survival guide). The results show the difference of how we understand our bodies, and how we can resist the option of hide. The invisibility action is a question to discover how much connected we are. Can we resist to the idea of disappear in the technological media?. Cover with a simple metallic blanket is a mask which provide a sutil action in the information society. |
Light Sequencer
The light and bottles as a metaphor of the communication, are intervened by led and electronic circuit building a matrix of 49 points. In this alliteration appear a poetic text word by word, to invite the viewer to discover the content of the phrase, in order to dislocate the language and the speed of our digital communication. |
Video A - Invisivilidade
Video Archives / Documental of Installation
GeoObs / Photography, Public Space Intervention, Video and text at Goethe Institut of Salvador, Bahía Brazil / September 2016.
GeoObs / Light Sequences, Public Space Intervention, 49 Led of High Bright, Electronic Cable, Circuit, Cabling, Arduino, Power Supply, Water. Punta Arenas, Chile / November 2016.